
  • Actes de colloque

Creative Organizations: Reaching a Favorable Competitive Positioning in the Creative Market


Bérubé, J. & Gauthier, J.-B. 45th Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. « Creative Organizations: Reaching a Favorable Competitive Positioning in the Creative Market ». (Montréal, mai 2017).


Creative organizations struggle with a tension between creativity and business. This research mobilizes the theory of justification by Boltanski and Thévenot (1991, 2006) to study the competitive position of small advertising agencies in the creative market, which represents the compromise between creativity and business. A total of 35 semi-structured interviews were conducted within 11 small advertising agencies. In order to map the competitive position of these agencies, a multiple correspondence analysis was realized on the interviews’ results. The results of this research suggest that agencies in which creative workers only do creative work and are responsible for the whole creative process get a better competitive positioning on the creative market.