Bérubé, Julie, Jonathan Paquette. Penser la politique de la culture : idées, institutions et intérêts. Séminaire du centre de recherche en évaluation et analyse des politiques publiques. Gatineau, 7 avril 2022.
Culture is recognized as a factor in global economic development, and each country establishes its own cultural policy to support and protect it. Canadian and Quebec cultural policies have evolved significantly for over a century. In Canada and Quebec, governments provide substantial subsidies to cultural industries compared to other countries. This government support enables many artists to receive grants for creation. While some view these subsidies as essential for the growth of cultural industries, others see them as state interference, determining themes, mediums, etc., that are valued. Some even speak of a standardization of culture. In this seminar, a brief historical overview of the evolution of Canadian cultural policy will be presented to highlight the specificities of the Canadian model, which will then be compared to other models. The theory of justification by Boltanski and Thévenot (1991; 2006) will be employed to compare these different models and identify their strengths and weaknesses.