Research projects and grants

  • Culture in the Region

Research Chair in Creative Economy and Well-being (CREAT)


Research Chair in Creative Economy and Well-being (CREAT)

The Research Chair in Creative Economy and Well-being (CREAT)” revolves around the idea of intermediation. This implies the involvement of third parties, collectives, institutions to facilitate dialogue, gather, and connect to transform a situation. Specifically, the chair focuses on creating a network of various creative and cultural actors and intermediaries to enable everyone, regardless of their place of residence, digital literacy, or lifestyle, to access a form of well-being. Quebec already has numerous resources in terms of creativity, and its population reaches a certain level of well-being. However, initiatives, knowledge, and works are often scattered, remain confidential, and inaccessible.

Through collaboration, the chair aims to bring together and foster dialogue among different realities, disciplines (interdisciplinarity), and create fruitful conversations. To achieve this, the chair proposes a five-year program divided into three phases: two years to catalog and map various branches of the creative economy that contribute to well-being in Quebec and internationally; a pivotal year for planning transformations; and two years dedicated to action and disseminating results, as well as developing roadmaps that will include well-being indicators.

Axis 1 – Culture in the Region

The main objective of this axis is to promote and support research and creative and cultural initiatives in regions, i.e., outside major urban centers. One of our specific objectives is to explore the following question, as proposed in the description of the chair by the FRQSC: ‘Few studies seek to understand if and how similar impacts [to those identified in major cities] could be felt outside major urban centers, or how the influences of arts and culture might be different but equally beneficial as in the city.’ Specific objectives include:

  • Individual: Studying the attractiveness of cultural environments in the region – On an individual level, culture promotes better health and therefore well-being. In a regional context where investments in culture are less significant, how can we engage citizens in local cultural offerings to promote better mental and physical health? This involves the attractiveness of regional cultural environments. Indeed, they must succeed in attracting individuals to consume local cultural products produced by local artists. How to attract individuals to cultural environments in the region? How to create a sense of belonging for individuals to their region through local culture?
  • Collective: Stimulating community life through local cultural organizations – On a collective level, culture fosters community life; this concerns local cultural organizations. Several lines of thought emerge regarding community life. For example, how can cultural organizations be sustainable in the long term in a regional context, i.e., with fewer human, financial, material resources, etc.? How can local organizations promote a sense of belonging to the city through cultural development? What is the role of cultural organizations in a regional context? How to promote mutual aid, cooperation, and interactions between different local cultural organizations? How to stimulate citizen involvement in cultural activities carried out by local organizations? How to break down silo management in regional cultural organizations?
  • Societal: Promoting local culture for societal well-being – Societal, economic, social, and environmental aspects are highlighted. On an economic level, we can question how to promote the economic vitality of a region through arts and culture. Regions receive less funding than major cities for cultural activities. How to capitalize on smaller investments and have an attractive cultural program? On a social level, how to promote accessibility to art and culture in the region? How to have an inclusive cultural program? How to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in cultural environments in the region? How to attract and retain creative and artistic workforce in the region? How to highlight local specificities in cultural programming? How to promote better living together through cultural activities? Finally, on an environmental level, we can question how local arts can promote sustainable development? How citizen initiatives in art and culture can encourage environmentally responsible behaviors?

Research team


Julie Bérubé

Co-holder of Axis 1 - Culture in the Region

Olivier Beauchet

Co-holder of Axis 2 - Arts and Health

Laureline Chiapello

Co-holder of Axis 3 - Digital Creativity

Guillaume Blum

Co-holder of Axis 4 - Discoverability